What's what?

Shatner'sBassoon's picture
Shatner'sBassoon started the topic in Friday, 6 Nov 2015 at 7:48pm



Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 28 Oct 2023 at 4:39pm

Is gsco's vanlyfe ??? tour , like a Coming OUT Tour ?

Or is it I'm Going INTO retirement ( van life ) and I am looking for another job like tour ,

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 28 Oct 2023 at 5:01pm

I couldn't read the whole article .

Leigh has been a household name in Australia for a long time .

An important role at the ABC .

I think , the ABC has been very consistent , for 20 years plus , politically , while she has been there , and before her arrival .

I am guessing , she doesn't include herself , in the SOME journalists , group .

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 28 Oct 2023 at 5:11pm
Pop Down wrote:

Is gsco's vanlyfe ??? tour , like a Coming OUT Tour ?

Or is it I'm Going INTO retirement ( van life ) and I am looking for another job like tour ,

I think its more an... 'I can no longer afford / find accomodation in australia - because the goverment has fucked up everything... so fuck it... I'm going to live in my van and read too much shit on the internet tour'

been there a few times myself... does give you time to read a lot... and time to check out for a while, ...and reflect...

as did leigh sales

seems she's come to the same page / conclusion as gsco

people stuck in the daily grind will probably never get it, way too busy, with way too much routine

routine is good, makes you productive...

but terribly blinkered

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 28 Oct 2023 at 5:47pm

I don't believe Leigh is ready to retire and move to Bali .

I believe she loves Australia and overseas travel , First Class , of course .

She has Clout .

I think this Rose ( one of the prickly ones which usually smell the nicest :) has more blooming to do .

Not ready for any compost heap , yet .

She might join Tony on the Board at Fox ?

It would be funny if they did work together .
Leigh absolutely made mince meat out of Tony , numerous times .
Poor Tony is too honest ( not at all suited for a pollie role ) and couldn't lie straight in bed haha .
I bet Tony likes her .

They say if U want to hate Tony , don't meet him .

I hope so , she is very smart , imho .

A routine is vital for humans ! Look at Hunter Gathers , one year into a gazillion seasons ( so cool ) , nearly .

To make sure U don't get blinkered , remember to let in the light and do something just for fun .
Like singing with the kids or going surfing .

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Saturday, 28 Oct 2023 at 6:03pm

A very good talk by Leigh Sales. I expect a few journos in the room had sweaty armpits through embarrassment listening to it.

Good that she hinted that the ABC was part of the problem and was not just naughty News Corp.

And the terrible binary option certain politicians presented - Dan - and media breathlessly reported as essential by many (lockdown and be safe or let it rip and advocate killing people) propoganda style covid coverage was her main example.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 28 Oct 2023 at 6:22pm

seems a lot of crew are ready to say enough is enough...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Saturday, 28 Oct 2023 at 6:22pm

the slippery language game hasn't served us well

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 28 Oct 2023 at 7:07pm


U are right .

Has been a big problem through the ages .

Especially if there is only ONE source of information .

I stopped listening to and watching all mainstream news ages ago for important information or analysis .

I believe ALL journalists , even Leigh , project their views , even if subconsciously , I do , most people do imo .

They have a difficult job . Have to pretend to be experts in so many complicated conundrums .

Some do it so well imho .

My mum believes everything Leigh says , actually , anything she sees on the Telly .

That is fine , I expect that ( it's the ones that chop and change with opinion polls that shit me ) .
That is good .

Where it can become a big problem , is if it is Public Owned and has a Charter to be unbiased ( according to whoever is in charge ) .

We will either Labor or LNP in charge for ages imho .

We could have ABC 1 as Labor and 2 for the LNP , fuck it , give 3 and 4 to other aspirants for control .

Everyone goes where they want !

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 1:12am

I used to think uni's and academia were so broken because they were trying too hard to appease dumb rich kids... customers...

but nah, the whole thing is broken, starting from the very top

and, as the comments suggest...

imagine swapping out the word jews with muslim or black people...

imagine the reaction... the meltdown...

and, this all started with open slather being unleashed on white people...

racism is ugly, whatever the form

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 1:16am

also, whatever happened to...

'words are violence'

these useless dogs have so many double standards its hard to believe anyone takes them seriously

yet here we are...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 1:29am

thats the non gender specific version of 'dogs'...

(before someone starts)

green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 6:40am

Hey sypkan, dig reading your posts, man! You're one of the real ones on this site, keeping it real with the facts and not just regurgitating that left-wing ideology.

Dude, our universities are a total mess, no fixing that dumpster fire.

They've turned into toxic hotbeds breeding activists all about that radical leftism and anti-Western Marxism crap. I'm talking antisemitism, pro Islamic terrorism, decolonization, post-colonialism, critical race theory, LGBTIQA+ queer theory, radical anti-male feminism, post-structuralism, post-modernism, indigenous studies, eco cult warrior activism – you name it. It's like a buffet of socialist revolution ideology.

You can forget about teaching real, evidence-based stuff like history, economics, law, political science, philosophy, even natural sciences. All these foundational subjects are now just drenched in this radical Marxist nonsense.

We're raising a whole bunch of citizens who straight-up despise our society. They've ditched our values of freedom, individual liberty, liberal democracy, the rule of law, equal rights, freedom of speech, personal responsibility, rational scientific inquiry, religious tolerance, and cultural pluralism. Students are being brainwashed to believe these are just white privilege power structures that oppress everyone else, so they gotta be torn down. Comrades, unite for the cultural revolution!

Our universities are a lost cause, man. But hey, there are new ones popping up, like UATX: https://www.uaustin.org/, that are all about teaching the real liberal arts deal in the enlightenment tradition. Check it out!

old-dog's picture
old-dog's picture
old-dog Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 7:29am

I'm hearing you pal. The so-called progressive looney left always go too far until the silent majority get fed up and turn against them. Hence the emergence of the equally disgusting far right white supremacy movement. The woke sheep don't mind you having an opinion as long as it's the same as theirs. Today the extinction rebellion activist idiots are causing traffic disruptions in Melbourne and doing untold harm to a worthy cause. Cheers.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Thursday, 7 Dec 2023 at 7:32am

green room's picture
green room's picture
green room Tuesday, 12 Dec 2023 at 8:37am

Yo, dudes, did someone say universities are broken, infected with left ideology?

Bari Weiss is the realest queens of our era, no equal. Standing up and fighting the spread of extreme left totalitarian ideology infecting Western civilization.

This ideology is a mental illness that straight-up despises the voting public, thinking they're uneducated imbeciles that can't make the right calls for the country. So it's derailing democracy by setting up this massive paternalistic nanny state public service blob stacked with folks who worship cultural Marxism. Big government they say! They're also pushing these censorship and disinfo laws, aimed at silencing the conservative center-right. It's all about totalitarian top-down control, snatching democratic choice from the people and putting it in the hands of the left 'elite' public service blob. The Long March of the Left has reached its destination in all our institutions.

Down under, they tried to pull this antidemocratic stunt on you with 'The Voice,' attempting to hook up special racist political rights and snatch decision-making from regular folks into the hands of city-educated Marxist 'elite' crew. And your universities are infected by it more than you think: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-11-17/qut-defends-removing-merit-from-h....

But the left Marxist ideology pathology got seriously called out by the Hamas terrorist attacks and war on Israel. The left 'elites' in our universities showed their true colors, siding with Islamic terrorists and letting anti-Semitism run wild on our campuses!

Australia, seriously, save yourself while you still can. Stand up! Fight back! We are in a battle for civilization and freedom!

AndyM's picture
AndyM's picture
AndyM Tuesday, 12 Dec 2023 at 9:13am

To quote old mate Chomsky -

"(post modernism) is extremely convenient, you can beat people over the head with your opinions with perfect self-confidence because there's no reality anyway, it's just their narrative and your narrative".

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 7:52pm

Opinions are unsafe microaggressions unless they are acceptably "progressive".

Word salad combinations of:

equality, safe, inclusive, diverse, justice, trigger, privilege, systemic, affirmation, colonial, patriarchy, lateral violence etc.

are now sufficient to get a distinction in most Uni essays and are a firm basis for a PHD with some AI content thrown in.

In engineering degrees, such progressive answers are now acceptable instead of answering difficult exam questions on structural design or on voltage, current and resistance which are inevitably unfairly biased towards the mathematically literate.

Coaster's picture
Coaster's picture
Coaster Friday, 15 Dec 2023 at 10:29pm

Yes, and afterwards they’ll be eligible for a role in a large organisation’s People and Talent Group, formerly known as HR.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Friday, 22 Dec 2023 at 9:27pm

a bit of a reality check...


(especially for labor and their current policies - they should all have to sit in a room, watch this, then answer questions!)

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 1 Jan 2024 at 7:32pm
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Tuesday, 2 Jan 2024 at 8:51pm

That's a pretty good summary of what the internet has revealed over the last 1/2 decade or so. Question, is it real and applicable to Australia as much as it seems in the US now? I'd have no idea if it is tbh.

lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy's picture
lostdoggy Tuesday, 2 Jan 2024 at 9:00pm

Re: hoeflation

Read like the biggest pile of shit I’ve ever seen by a complete loser that has serious trouble getting laid.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Tuesday, 9 Jan 2024 at 2:07pm

sounds a pretty reasonable asessment of the year ahead


biden is irredeemable

and electric scooters are a pain in the arse...

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Sunday, 14 Jan 2024 at 12:29am

any market dudes with an hour and a half of their life to waste?

the first half's a bit over my head, but it all kinda resonates with a lot of what's currently going on...

(he assures us there is no conspiracy and there are no lizard people...)


monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy's picture
monkeyboy Sunday, 14 Jan 2024 at 4:16pm
sypkan wrote:

any market dudes with an hour and a half of their life to waste?

the first half's a bit over my head, but it all kinda resonates with a lot of what's currently going on...

(he assures us there is no conspiracy and there are no lizard people...)


I've read the book. The premise is based on a change in definition of security entitlement in the US, UK and Europe and essentially who owns what...not you in other words.

So, extrapoloating a bit - basically if you "own" anything that has a debt attached to it what he is saying, and what the definition appears to say is that...actually you dont own it, the entity that holds the debt is entitled to it.

I need to read it again...back when I read it mid last year I started trying to piece what that meant if you held shares, ETFs and even a home loan using debt. And then what would that also mean if the ETF you bought held any debt and what me as a holder in units of the fund was actually entitled to.

Anyway, it was too much for my brain.

I'm no conspiracy theorist. If you look at major western economy trends the amount of "public" debt is huge and not slowing down. Who owns this debt and therefore who is entitled to the so called assets that underpin this debt.

Anyway, we have property rights in Australia but....read the constitution, it's pretty weak.

I think we are in one of the safest jurisdictions in the world. Just try to make sure you own things in your name, stay liquid and ideally without much debt.

frog's picture
frog's picture
frog Sunday, 14 Jan 2024 at 11:21pm

I would not be at all surprised if the legal framework has been set to allow a "great taking" as per the book. But it would be more likely be for the purpose of targeted "taking" (rather than some mass theft across all peoples) at some point to individuals and groups deemed to be stepping out of line.

Keep the masses onside with bread and circuses but fearful of being targeted for "the taking". Then strip the wealth of the targets as needed.

This could be internal in the US....

People campaign for or donate to Trumpy? Then they are insurrectionists in current Democrat logic. Flick the switch and all their wealth is confiscated to fund the Democrat campaign to "save" democracy and freedom. One party rule is just a few steps away.

Far fetched 5 years ago. Quite plausible today.

Or it could be for internationally geopolitical chess i.e. to more readily target the elite's wealth in countries not part of the Empire in geopolitical conflicts to penalise them or have leverage over certain assets to encourage a coup against a non compliant leader.

The tools for total control (mass surveilance, AI etc.) and massive wealth accumulation are largely in place...

And, given the path to being a political, federal bureaucratic or mega business elite, in places like the US, almost self selects for sociopath and psychopath characteristics, such tools would be willingly used by many currently in positions of power.

velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno's picture
velocityjohnno Monday, 15 Jan 2024 at 6:47pm

Hey Sypkan I had a look. Need to go back and read further.

I found two summaries that took his vid and put it into quick paragraphs that were OK



It seems to appeal to the American liberty minded blogs, lots reporting on it. I've seen this before where they all for example go nuts and claim that the COMEX is insolvent, let's bring it down by exercising on silver etc etc etc, nothing happens...

Recent test cases were MF Global in about 2013ish, and the recent crypto exchanges going down...

Excerp from first link:

"In 1970, the Banking and Securities Industry Committee (BASIC) was established to standardize and automate the processing of securities certificates and set uniform rules for trading and settlements. This led to the creation of the Depository Trust Corporation (DTC) in 1973, a Fed subsidiary that would serve as a repository for all securities. Now known as the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), it is the world’s largest electronic depository of securities. Curiously, Webb points out, William Dentzer, a career CIA operative with no background in finance and banking, was made chairman and CEO of the DTC.

The next step was amending the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) to redefine ownership of securities and change bankruptcy laws. Full-fledged ownership was changed to “security entitlements,” and the investor was transmogrified into an “unsecured creditor” with mere pro-rata securities claims. Legal ownership now vests in the entity that controls, but does not really own, the securities. Issuers can borrow pooled securities as collateral for trading and financing or confiscate them on insolvency. Securities are now fungible assets held in pooled form, to be taken as needed sans judicial review."

I'd have to investigate and confirm to satisfy my own interest (joy! More reading the small print and law!), for US, and then go looking to see if in Aus as well - do the guy's claims stack up? Never heard of him prior to this. If so, we've lived under this system for a long time and it hasn't done this (Sep 2008 came close to total failure) - doesn't mean it can't happen if the framework is in place. Even if it does, they won't get my classic surfboards cos that possession is 9/10s of the shed space mwhahaha!

batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 4:52pm
green room wrote:

Dude, our universities are a total mess, no fixing that dumpster fire.

They've turned into toxic hotbeds breeding activists all about that radical leftism and anti-Western Marxism crap. I'm talking antisemitism, pro Islamic terrorism, decolonization, post-colonialism, critical race theory, LGBTIQA+ queer theory, radical anti-male feminism, post-structuralism, post-modernism, indigenous studies, eco cult warrior activism – you name it. It's like a buffet of socialist revolution ideology.

You can forget about teaching real, evidence-based stuff like history, economics, law, political science, philosophy, even natural sciences. All these foundational subjects are now just drenched in this radical Marxist nonsense.!

I’m going to go out on a limb here and suggest that people on here complaining about universities becoming “toxic hotbeds of anti-western Marxism crap” hasn’t been on a university campus since the ‘80’s, if at all. Certainly not Australian universities, and your general willingness to swallow American cultural war bullshit that has absolutely no relevance to Australia is really quite naive.

It just ain’t happening here. That busload of genuine leftists in Australia don’t have that much clout.

And green room, those “evidence based stuff like history, law, economics, political economy and philosophy” aren’t actually ‘evidence-based studies’, except perhaps making an exception for law, which at least studies precedents and common law.

You couldn’t be further from the truth citing them as ‘evidence-based’. They are a contest of ideas, no more or less than that. Even history!

By the way, there seems to be a common melt-brain, zero-synapse fear of the leftist cultural Marxism taking over the world stuff here. Let me assure you, from the other side, that the right wing philosophies are absolutely smashing the left in the contest of arguments (but not ideas, the right has no ideas). The right are killing it. They are even sending in pawns like you into fight wars that don’t even exist here (and not really in USA either)

Cultural Marxism! Critical Race Theory! Moral relativism! The rightards here and everywhere squeal and squirm at just reading those terms, and yet none have the slightest idea what they mean.

And here’s a hint - they are such abused terms that like ‘woke’, they don’t really mean anything any more.

But it’s worth making some genuine enquiry to see what they really meant, and you’d probably be surprised to learn that they are rather inoffensive terms that aren’t particularly disagreeable in the most part.

And if you doubt whether ‘the right’ are winning the culture wars (that they invariably started) just look at the postings on the swellnet forums. It’s a rightard fantasy land in here.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 5:34pm

I don't feel I am going out on a Limb by saying OUR Universities definitely follow the Lead set buy the US Universities .

The USA has the MOST prestigious Universities on the Planet .

Some US Universities are segregating students based on race .
I read their reasons for doing so .

ALL Universities require Funding from Outside sources .

Have a look at how well Biden old Uni was treated .

Both my daughters are at Uni and OUR Uni's aren't Hot Beds of Marxism lol haha lol !

Monash was like that when I was there in the 70 and 80's .

But that was US students .
At Monash our leaders name was RED , really !

Scared off Fraser and we locked Prince Charles Up , somewhere haha or visa versa !

I was a spectator , and only in the Surf Club ( we ran a tournament at Bells , somehow ) .

Most Teachers , Lecturers and Tutors at our schools and Universities have always been firmly Left ( Socialist ) , mostly . Same with Journalists .

san Guine's picture
san Guine's picture
san Guine Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 9:53pm

Great post Batfink.

seeds's picture
seeds's picture
seeds Sunday, 4 Feb 2024 at 10:00pm

Yes indeed.
I’ll have what Batfink is having.

sypkan's picture
sypkan's picture
sypkan Monday, 12 Feb 2024 at 5:16pm
batfink's picture
batfink's picture
batfink Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 7:26am
Pop Down wrote:

I don't feel I am going out on a Limb by saying OUR Universities definitely follow the Lead set buy the US Universities .

The USA has the MOST prestigious Universities on the Planet .

Some US Universities are segregating students based on race .
I read their reasons for doing so .

ALL Universities require Funding from Outside sources .

Have a look at how well Biden old Uni was treated .

Both my daughters are at Uni and OUR Uni's aren't Hot Beds of Marxism lol haha lol !

Monash was like that when I was there in the 70 and 80's .

But that was US students .
At Monash our leaders name was RED , really !

Scared off Fraser and we locked Prince Charles Up , somewhere haha or visa versa !

I was a spectator , and only in the Surf Club ( we ran a tournament at Bells , somehow ) .

Most Teachers , Lecturers and Tutors at our schools and Universities have always been firmly Left ( Socialist ) , mostly . Same with Journalists .

True Pops. Most lecturers are lefties, except in the business schools, because they are mostly just preaching slightly right of centre ideas. Oh, and engineering, because they don’t do politics, oh, and science and medicine because they are actually about the science and don’t really give a stuff about politics (and generally aren’t good at it).

So that leaves the social sciences, where it’s fair to assume that most lecturers are lefties. So that’s about 20% of the average uni staff, and that’s declining because the LNP don’t want people to learn ‘the humanities’. So a dwindling number of academics are lefties, granted.

And they wield no power, none at all.

And mostly they are of the real left because they are still thinking and learning. Not the confected left, this supposed army of people everywhere espousing CRT and Marxism (what even is that?). Just the real left, the group of people who think there is a real debate to be had about where the market mechanisms are best deployed and where markets should not be left to their own devices because the results are always bad.

And US universities do rank highly in terms of prestige and academic research output, as does UK, China, and a few other countries.

Our universities do not follow the lead of US universities in any significant way. Mostly the Aus unis suffer from a cultural cringe with respect to Europe, not the US. But that’s another topic.

“Some US universities are segregating based on race”.

Segregating? Did you really mean that word? That they have ‘whites only’ areas, and toilets, and taps and classes, and ‘blacks only’ areas, and bubblers, and taps, and classes?

Is that what you meant by ‘segregating’?

Really! You’re going to go with that?

And journalist? Mostly leftist. Fark, I can’t think of any genuine lefty journalist but I can name you 20 right of centre journos in the more established media, and all of Fox, and nearly all of The Australian and The Financial Review. Pretty much everyone in Murdoch land.

And you think most journalists are lefties? In which country? Not here.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 7:54am


Great 2 hear that U think the Right arguments are smashing the lefts bad ideas , at the moment .

Secure boarders and Immigration is helping atm . The US is being invaded .

Great Australia is safe !!!

The truth does usually emerge and a sensible path forward is found , eventually .

ALL my lectures and tutors at Uni were Left , including Economics .

Add in Law , Medicine , Politics and what is Left ??

Add in the whole Administration of the Uni .

No problems as the Lecturers never worked in the REAL world .

Why would that have changed now ?

My daughters confirm it hasn't .

Name ONE industry where it is dominated by RIGHT .

Journalism haha lol , 20 rights U can name lol ( I couldn't :)

Lets start with the Public Funded and unbiased 1's , the ABC and SBS , FFS !!!

I read newspapers and read these sites !

The Financial Review is Left imho ( maybe everything is left of my centre ? :) .

The successful journos MUST be the only good ones that are getting good ratings like Peta and that guy Hadley !

Mate , I have seen the US Uni's trying to SEPERATE their students based on race .

And NOT just prayer rooms and change rooms ffs .

Everyone is talking about its in the US and U DO know what I mean !!!

I would argue , if I wanted 2 , that Judiciary are very Left Leaning at the lower levels .

They are way 2 SOFT imho !

So we disagree on our Left and Right's , but on the the other hand ?

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 7:57am


Great 2 hear U think the Lefts ideas are getting smashed atm !

Immigration and secure boarders are a good example .

The sensible way forward is found , eventually !

ALL my lectures and tutors at Uni were Left , including Economics .

Add in Law , Medicine , Politics and what is Left ??

Add in the whole Administration of the Uni .

No problems as the Lecturers never worked in the REAL world .

Why would that have changed now ?

My daughters confirm it hasn't .

Name ONE industry where it is dominated by RIGHT .

Journalism haha lol , 20 rights U can name lol ( I couldn't :)

Lets start with the Public Funded and unbiased 1's , the ABC and SBS , FFS !!!

I read newspapers and read these sites !

The Financial Review is Left imho ( maybe everything is left of my centre ? :) .

The successful journos MUST be the only good ones that are getting good ratings like Peta !

Mate , I have seen the US Uni's trying to SEPERATE their students based on race .

And NOT just prayer rooms and change rooms ffs .

Everyone is talking about its in the US and U DO know what I mean !!!

I would argue , if I wanted 2 , that Judiciary are very Left Leaning at the lower levels .

They are way 2 SOFT imho !

So we disagree on our Left and Right's , but on the the other hand ?

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 8:04am

Reckon ya nailed it Batfink.
AFR left wing???? Good joke.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 8:32am


I have read the AFR for 30 years , back 2 front .

With all news outlets it's the Editorial that Sets the Tone of any publication .

The AFR has always been Fairfax and they appoint their Editor .

I can't think of one journalist they have that is Right .

Please help !

The Wall Street Journal used to be unbiased .

Now they are a mouth piece for the US Elite ( Left and Right ) .

I am maybe left of Caesar and right of centre on many issues :)

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 8:38am

Peter Costello head of Nine, former Fairfax.
Editor of AFR Michael Stutchbury.
Both men hard core lefties?


I use to read the Australian religiously until 2000's. Was good paper, now nothing but propaganda pamphlet for LNP, disgrace the bias really. Not journos but hit men and women.
Geez I would say I am left socially and tend mid right economically with a belief in strong institutions and public service.
Implementation of NACC so far to me has been Labor's biggest failure/ disappointment. Probably concerned some of them would be brought down.
Anyway getting off track. Have a good weekend hope you get some waves.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 8:55am

Michael has been very balanced , I agree .

The AFR readers were sick and tired of the AFR bias and readership was plummeting .

In EVERY election they went Labor .

Michael has made a difference and has helped stem the tide .

Good work for pointing that out as I should have noted that change !

The Costello family are a mix of hard left and centre right .

Murdoch is Right ish , World MSM eg the US is LEFT except FOX .

They all have propped UP a Lame Duck President .

They ALL jumped on the Fauci Bandwagon .

They ALL went WOKE !!!

They All do the fn SAME , Leaning Left all the time imho !

Thats why everything is wonky over there and they are going around in a circle ( anti clock wise ) .

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 8:55am
Pop Down wrote:

Michael has been very balanced , I agree .

The AFR readers were sick and tired of the AFR bias and readership was plummeting .

In EVERY election they went Labor .

Michael has made a difference and has helped stem the tide .

Good work for pointing that out as I should have noted that change !

The Costello family are a mix of hard left and centre right .

Murdoch is Right ish , World MSM eg the US is LEFT except FOX .

They all have propped UP a Lame Duck President .

They ALL jumped on the Fauci Bandwagon .

They ALL went WOKE !!!

They All do the fn SAME , Leaning Left all the time imho !

Maybe so re USA...
Pete's brother maybe left, but sure he has no influence over Nines direction under his bro.
Only people who seem to be pushing woke is the right making up something to fight against. They need a enemy to keep people scared, angry... Formula works well..
Murdoch is right of Mussolini... Yep bit rightish. ;)

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 9:01am

Nine , mate who cares , who watches them lol and why ?

Murdoch hates Trump and has voted Left in Australia .

Ok , Right has 9 and U have concede the Left has the ABC and PBS .

U can have a draw .

So Rights are now pushing 4 Transgender participation in Woman's Sport .

Mate , Putin is Right and Russia is NOT going Woke FFS !

So Right is Woke ???

F Me , I am then a fn Lefty as I hate Woke Stuff !!!!!

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 9:38am
Pop Down wrote:

Nine , mate who cares , who watches them lol and why ?

Murdoch hates Trump and has voted Left in Australia .

Ok , Right has 9 and U have concede the Left has the ABC and PBS .

U can have a draw .

So Rights are now pushing 4 Transgender participation in Woman's Sport .

Mate , Putin is Right and Russia is NOT going Woke FFS !

So Right is Woke ???

F Me , I am then a fn Lefty as I hate Woke Stuff !!!!!

Murdoch hates Trump now, but Trump would never have been el Prez without his support Fox etc.
Anyway for record I'm against males/ or any other pronoun competing in female competition in any sport.
Reckon ABC is left wing ya dreaming.
Might be a few journos lean left, but geez check the board and all the ex Murdoch employees. David Speers is a real commie! Ha Another thing for Murdoch to attack. Been many investigations in ABC re bias and none ever stick. But carry on....
Anyway I'm trying to keep away from swellnet vortex for a bit.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 9:49am

Wasted Pop space .

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 9:48am

Good work Andy and I will try 2 .

Just started a holiday with my daughters , so we both don't need to chat about this .

Perhaps , it is not so much about left and right anymore anyway .

I am guessing U and I agree on the important stuff .

The times are a changing .

Left and Right are finding so much common ground atm .

We are all getting fed up with the way Politicians are taking us , The People , for granted .

I hope U get some waves , mate .

andy-mac's picture
andy-mac's picture
andy-mac Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 10:13am
Pop Down wrote:

Good work Andy and I will try 2 .

Just started a holiday with my daughters , so we both don't need to chat about this .

Perhaps , it is not so much about left and right anymore anyway .

I am guessing U and I agree on the important stuff .

The times are a changing .

Left and Right are finding so much common ground atm .

We are all getting fed up with the way Politicians are taking us , The People , for granted .

I hope U get some waves , mate .

Enjoy your family holiday time.
Precious moments.

basesix's picture
basesix's picture
basesix Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 10:44am

good on you @Pop, excellent andy-mac thoughtfulness, I can see the edge of a cute lil' hutchie basic card peeking out of the pack, go enjoy some family time before you evolve it ; )

(good time to keep forum posts minimal - it is the bored, lonely, agitator time of year - see patagonia film. Also a year ago exactly from when the 'timely reminder to fucken behave' thread was front and center).

blackers's picture
blackers's picture
blackers Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 12:54pm

Sound advice basesix. I'm checking out for a while too, too much of the negative. The return of the dark lord seals it for me. Keep smiling, catching waves and seeing good musos do their thing.
This sums it up. I know I posted it recently but it's too good to ignore.

Pop Down's picture
Pop Down's picture
Pop Down Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 12:59pm

hey base 6

Down at Portsea for 10 days with my girls and their cabal .

Not expecting 2 c them much but loving being at home base 4 some family time .

Can pop up now , so we will be surfing .

At the Pub last night there was a wedding .

A group of women were perving on the ceremony , so I went up and had a chat .

Came back 2 our table and told my daughters they were the Uninvited Group who had to C the ceremony .

My daughters were horrified and then mortified .

Youngest said she would tell them to F off , 4 sure .

I went back up 2 them , 20 minutes later , after hearing a cheer .

The Ring Bearer was a pooch ( brown lab called Bonnie ) who made a successful deposit .

I thought it a bit OTT .

I then asked the women if they were also , STAYING for dinner ?

They then asked my daughters to pull me away from them , all in good humour .

A beautiful sunset completed a nice summers day .

AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace's picture
AlfredWallace Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 7:18pm
Pop Down wrote:

hey base 6

Down at Portsea for 10 days with my girls and their cabal .

Not expecting 2 c them much but loving being at home base 4 some family time .

Can pop up now , so we will be surfing .

At the Pub last night there was a wedding .

A group of women were perving on the ceremony , so I went up and had a chat .

Came back 2 our table and told my daughters they were the Uninvited Group who had to C the ceremony .

My daughters were horrified and then mortified .

Youngest said she would tell them to F off , 4 sure .

I went back up 2 them , 20 minutes later , after hearing a cheer .

The Ring Bearer was a pooch ( brown lab called Bonnie ) who made a successful deposit .

I thought it a bit OTT .

I then asked the women if they were also , STAYING for dinner ?

They then asked my daughters to pull me away from them , all in good humour .

A beautiful sunset completed a nice summers day .


Hope you and your girls are having a great time on the MP.

Just looked across all of the current forum topics, you are spread out like an old Federal Mills woollen blanket.

You are spreading faster than an amoebic parasite, chugging down , white blood cells, bacteria and bodily organs and multiplying at a rapid pace.

Good on you, may the oral/written word never be forgotten.AW

kirwoods's picture
kirwoods's picture
kirwoods Saturday, 17 Feb 2024 at 9:05pm

Love it @blackers .. such a solid album - cum the raw prawn! reckon Macka has taken them to a new level.